1. GE Healthcare (Wauwatosa, WI): 2,200 ton of steel consisting of beams, columns, bracing and screen wall framing. Click HERE to view the webcam

  2. SCA Tissue (Barton, AL): 2,800 ton of steel consisting of beams, columns, vertical and horizontal bracing, girts, stairs, platforms, railings & grating.

  3. Resch Center (Green Bay,WI) - 2400 ton of steel for seating area consisting of beams, columns, bracing & raker beams

  4. Overture Center (Madison, WI): over 1,000 ton of steel consisting of beams, columns, bracing, catwalks & long span trusses.

  5. Dane County Courthouse (Madison, WI): 1,800 ton of steel consisting of beams, columns & miscellaneous.

  6. Marquette General Hospital (Marquette, MI): 570 ton of steel consisting of beams, columns, bracing & seven deep long span trusses.

  7. Hummer (Neenah, WI): Consisted of rolled beams, columns & built-up plate fascia framing.

  8. Marriott Hotel (Pewaukee,WI) - 1,000 ton of steel consisting of beams, columns & bracing

  9. Central Michigan University (Mount Pleasant, MI) - 1,200 ton of steel consisting of beams, columns, lintels & bracing

  10. KI Convention Center (Green Bay, WI) - 580 ton of steel consisting of beams, columns, bracing, & rotunda roof

  11. Belleville High School (Belleville, IL) - 590 ton of steel constisting of beams, columns & shear wall plates

  12. Our Lady of Lourdes Church (DePere, WI) - consisting of beams, columns, trusses, lintels & stairs